Red Hot Passion

No matter how sincere your faith, only passion will fuel its fire and make it burn bright and strong enough to set others ablaze for the Lord. Unless we are completely sold out and convinced of the power of the Gospel and its ability to save people from eternal damnation – we will never affect others with its saving grace.

Just as experiencing the fierce and overwhelming love of God for ourselves is the only way we can accurately love others – being passionate about our beliefs is what causes our testimony to be believable to others. It’s also what drives us to remain faithful and keep the course.

Passionate people are consumed with what God has called them to do. They are empowered to overcome discouragement, fear, and doubt. Passion picks us up no matter how often we get knocked down. It never allows us to be silent or complacent – keeping us too alert for sin to trip us up, and too hot for our faith to become lukewarm. Yield to the fresh flow of the Holy Ghost today and let your passion burn strong and true.