Redeemed by a Covenant of Peace




Isaiah prophesied a coming deliverer who would lead God’s people into a life of joy, peace and a right relationship with God. This prophecy came at a time when two northern tribes of Israel were hit hard by an Assyrian invasion, devastating the land, bringing great suffering to the people. There was a desperate need for a Messiah to remedy the situation. Isaiah’s prophecy  described the character of the expected Messiah. The prophecy maintained that in the darkness of Israel’s distress, the Child being born would be a great light to the people, and His kingdom would never come to an end. Today, we as believers, live in the reality of this prophecy. We have been redeemed from our enemy the devil and all the suffering he inflicts. We have received our Messiah and entered into His everlasting covenant of peace – where in Him, there is nothing missing, nothing lacking, and nothing broken!  As we celebrate Christmas, understanding that we are living in the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy, we must remember our responsibility to carry Him to the world around us, so they can be reconciled back to God and be set free from the bondage and tyranny of the devil’s destructive reign in their lives. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to those who are ready to receive the good news of Jesus – the One who has come to take away their oppression forever!