The dictionary definition of abide means “to continue in a place”. As Christians, we cannot afford to be separate from the Lord, which is why Jesus emphasises the importance of being inseparably connected to Him. If Christ lives in us, by His Holy Spirit, they how can we ever be separate from Him? Well, even though His Spirit dwells in us, it is very possible to live disconnected to Him, in the sense of not continuously acknowledging His Presence, or choosing to not pay Him any attention. Jesus said, “Remain in Me, as I also remain in you”. The Bible says the fullness of the Godhead dwells in us (Colossians 2:9-10). It says that Jesus, by His indwelling Holy Spirit, is an ever-flowing fountain of life that overflows into a mighty river of His Presence – with the intention of flooding into every area of our lives – when we invite Him to do so. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus addresses Believers, telling us that He stands at the entrance of the door between our spirit-man and soul. He is knocking, inviting us to open that door so He, by His Spirit, can come into every area of our souls and eat with us. What will we be eating? His Word! Look at what Jesus says in John 15:9-10, “I have loved you even as the Father has loved Me. Remain in My love. When you obey My commandments, you remain in My love, just as I obey My Father’s commandments and remain in His love.” There it is – Jesus considers remaining in Him as constantly being in love with Him and His Word. Once we have tasted how good fellowship with the Lord, in His Word is – we become so refreshed and strengthened by its truth that there is no option for us, but to live by its perfect, life-giving principles. Jesus used a metaphor of a branch not being able to produce fruit, unless it is vitally connected to the vine. Just the same, without us being constantly in loving fellowship with the Lord, where His Word has become our vital necessity – we become disconnected from the life and power needed to produce anything of true value in our lives. Things money cannot buy. Remain vitally connected to Jesus so that His transforming Word produces evidence of your intimate obedience to Him.