Sin is Not Your Problem
Don’t let the mistakes of your past, or the shortcomings of your present, stop you from moving forward in the destiny God has for you. When we become more conscious of sin than the redemptive freedom of the cross, the devil holds us captive in a place of condemnation and fear. This prevents us from living in the freedom and victory Jesus has already won for us.
Condemnation is one of the devil’s oldest tactics designed to keep believers immobile and ineffective for the kingdom of God. If you are battling to shake off condemnation today, it’s time to kick it out your life once and for all. Understand: sin has been defeated where you are concerned. It holds no power over you. When you surrender your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, His redemption is sure.
Take a hold of your forgiveness, know you are made righteous, and become more aware of the supernatural flow of life that’s continuously flowing from the Spirit of God into you, than the sin that simply has no power over you.