So Much More

Many Christians have made a decision to receive Jesus as Savior but have not grown to know Him as friend. Often, the extent of their relationship with Him is need based. Whenever a need arises, they find the appropriate scriptures or promises to base their faith on, and call upon Him, hoping to see a favourable outcome. All of this is good and right, except that their relationship with Him goes no further than getting their needs met. The truth is, the more we come to know God, we experience His love, joy and peace in the sweet intimate fellowship, that is incomparable to anything in this world. The byproduct of knowing and enjoying the Lord is a life that overflows with faith in Him, and His power to meet every need. People can tell when we have spent time with the Lord in His presence. The absolute peace and joyful confidence we receive from being with Him is impossible to conceal. In Acts 4:13 people marveled at how the disciples carried unmistakable evidence of knowing and being with Jesus. The very fact that such a great and powerful God would invite us to know Him so intimately, is more than remarkable. That we are encouraged to draw near to Him and experience His unconditional love and tender kindness, is more precious than gold. The privilege of having His undivided attention where we can share our deepest desires, give Him all our concerns, and receive His perfect wisdom to come out on top each time, is unequaled. Knowing God and spending time with Him shows. The greatest compliment we could ever receive is people recognizing we have been with Jesus. Living in the reality of being inseparably connected to Jesus is where we are completely fulfilled, and His heart and purpose becomes our own. No wonder Paul considered everything outside of knowing Him as rubbish. Press into Him today and enjoy the privilege of experiencing and knowing so much more of Him.