Stay the Course

When Jesus told his disciples to “go over to the other side”, they were fully aware of the dangers. Many of Jesus’ disciples were seasoned fishermen and they knew just how treacherous the Sea of Galilee could be. Yet, out of nowhere, a violent storm broke out that night, causing their boat to be thrown about by enormous, terrifying waves. While the disciples cried out in a state of utter panic and chaos, convinced they were about to meet their end, Jesus was peacefully sleeping. When we face situations that catch us off guard and cause us to become unravelled, there is a way to be in peace. As long as Jesus in your ‘boat’, you will be able to call on Him and draw from the authority He has given you to rebuke that wind and speak peace to the waves. You won’t have to abandon ship, or steer off course from the purpose He set out for you. Today, be confident that whatever storm you face will not overcome you. Enter God’s rest, use the authority He has given you, and you will reach your destination victorious and unharmed.