Take off the Limits

The Bible says the children of Israel limited God because they refused to remember all the things He did for them. Every time they encountered a possible problem or challenge, instead of turning toward Him in trust and willing dependence, they shook their fists at Him in anger and rebellion. They complained and shouted, declaring that they were better off in the land of their captivity. They refused to remember and believe that every day, every need would be met, in abundance – if they would just trust in His good nature and His willingness to provide for them and take care of them. As God’s covenant children, we act just like the Israelites of old when we allow ourselves to entertain anxious thoughts concerning financial provision for our own lives, or the lives of our children. The Lord has clearly shown us, in His Word, how He has provided a way to always see us blessed, and never in lack. In Matthew 6:33, He says that when we seek Him and His kingdom interests first, every need we have, will be met – by Him! The Word also tells us He will meet those needs according to the standard of His riches in glory! And yet, how many Christians become disheartened, or develop an attitude whenever they hear a message taught on giving? If we can’t joyfully and gratefully trust the Lord with our tithes and offerings, which He supplied us with in the first place – how are we any different from the rebellious Israelites? And when we allow ourselves to fret over financial and material provision – how different are we than God’s people who refused to remember His goodness and faithfulness towards them? By ignoring His instructions and forgetting His good nature – we shake our fists at Him – just as they did. It’s time to stop limiting God from pouring out His generous provision into your life. Follow His instructions and trust Him in the area of your giving – with a grateful heart – refusing to forget Who He is to you. Then you will never know lack, and your children will consistently see His hand of provision as together, you seek His kingdom interests first, above your own.