When our minds are constantly being renewed to God’s Word, they become reinforced with truth that is able to transform every harmful situation into a favourable outcome. This process works from the inside out. As we agree with, believe in and align ourselves to the truth of God’s Word in our attitudes, thoughts, words and actions – that Word goes to work on our behalf. Isaiah 55:11 explains that the Word goes forth and the Word produces what it says. While we remain in faith and rest concerning it, it does the work that in the natural, would be impossible to do. The key is to remain in faith and rest until the favourable outcome is manifest. This is how we do that: We fellowship with the Lord over that Word. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus said to the church that He stands at the door and knocks. Now, according to the Bible, Jesus lives in our re-created spirit-man, through the Holy Spirit. The Bible also explains that although they are in extremely close proximity, the spirit-man and the soul of a man are separate. So, when Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, knocks to get our attention – He is standing in our spirit-man and knocking on the door of our soul. When we respond by turning our attention and thoughts towards Him, He comes into our thoughts, through the flow of His anointing and ‘eats’ with us. What do we eat together? The Bible likens the Word of God to bread and spiritual nourishment we are to eat. Jesus, through His indwelling Holy Spirit, by our invitation – makes His Word alive to our understanding. As this happens, revelation truth is released, pulling up from our spirits, the flow of the spiritual forces of faith, peace, patience, joy – and all the other powerful forces (fruits) of the Holy Spirit. It’s the flow of these forces that Isaiah referred to as the anointing oil that destroys the yoke of the enemy over us. That yoke is worry, doubt and fear – and any other thought that is in opposition to God’s thoughts concerning us. As we fellowship with the Lord over His truth – our minds are kept in a place of overwhelming peace and rest. No matter how the enemy tries to distract us from that peace – he cannot because his yoke over our minds has been destroyed! Remain fellowshipping with Jesus over His Word and His anointing will keep your mind in peace and rest while His Word goes to work on your behalf!