Psalm 134:1-3 reveals the cycle of blessing. It begins with God’s servants blessing the Lord and serving Him faithfully, resulting in His declared blessing over them. Serving the Lord always directs us into His purpose. It is a privilege for every believer, because we literally become an extension of His hands and feet. What cannot be ignored is that our service must be motivated by and empowered out of our undistracted devotion to Him and His Word. Most of us are familiar with the account recorded in Luke 10:38-41, where Jesus taught in the home of Mary and Martha. A few translations of verse 39-40 imply both women sat at the feet of Jesus, listening intently to what He had to say; however, Martha was constantly distracted with much serving. At the end, Jesus concludes that while Martha was worried and troubled about many things, Mary had made spending un-distracted time with the Lord, her priority. Jesus was not disputing the value of serving, He was simply stating that when we prioritize spending quality time with Him, above the distractions of service, we have chosen the better part. Serving the Lord from the perspective of intimately fellowshipping with Him and learning from His Word is far more productive than serving without first receiving from Him. Single-minded focus on Him and His Word before service, produces faith-filled, joyful service. Being too distracted to receive from Him, causes our minds to become worried and troubled with obstacles and issues, during our acts of service. That’s because those issues are faced in the flesh, and not in the power that flows from our spirits overflowing with His wisdom and peace. Decide to drink deeply from the Source, and well of life – before you pour out to others.