How settled are you in believing God’s Word endures forever? Is it cemented in the chambers of your heart to the point it influences your view of life? Since God’s Word will outlast and outlive anything in this world – it should always have the final say in our lives! Its truth and wisdom will never grow weak or become outdated or irrelevant – not ever!

Psalms 119:89 says, “Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven [it stands firm as the heavens].” What’s more: 1 John 2:14 says the way to remain victorious over the wicked one is to keep God’s word alive in our hearts! And since Jesus Christ is the Living Word, it’s in our best interest to get to know Him more as we fully immerse ourselves in its truth.

So have the Word take first place in your life – make it the first thing on your mind when you wake in the morning, and the last thing on your mind before you sleep at night. Then watch it affect everything else in-between. The fruit of God’s Word alive in your heart is as eternal as its nature – it endures forever!