One of the most controversial subjects in the church today revolves around the subject of speaking in tongues. Some denominations rule it out completely, saying this gift of the Holy Spirit ceased to exist when the last of the early church apostles died. Others acknowledge the gift of speaking in tongues is available to the believer, however, it is not necessarily essential, and therefore not a subject to be preached about, or even taught from the pulpit. The Apostle Paul certainly thought it a necessary gift – in fact, he thanked the Lord for the privilege of being able to operate in this gift on a regular basis, and he taught the church from the standpoint of it being an essential gift not only used to edify and strengthen the believer in their most holy faith, but to pray the perfect will of God into any situation. In Acts chapter 2, after the Holy Spirit descended upon the believers in the upper room, they were able to share the Gospel with people who had travelled into the city from other nations and language groups. When they opened their mouths to speak, the Holy Spirit caused them to share the Gospel in the foreign languages and many understood and were saved. In 1 Corinthians, Romans 8, and the book of Jude, Paul teaches about another form of speaking in tongues. He explains it as a heavenly language where the Spirit of God prays the perfect will of God from our spirits, and through our words. Even though we don’t understand what we are saying, as we engage our understanding in what we are praying – we are often able to interpret what the Holy Spirit is speaking through us. What is for sure, is that since it is by His Spirit – it releases great faith, peace, and even joy – as we pray in the Spirit. It also charges the very atmosphere around us with the power of God that’s been carried on our words. What’s more, the devil is unable to understand what the Spirit is praying through us – so he can’t interfere the supernatural flow of power with doubtful thoughts. Be sure to never underestimate this powerful gift of speaking in tongues – make a habit of exercising this gift every day. This way you will turn up the spiritual temperature – keeping you sensitive to the Spirit and a formidable force against the enemy.