The Power of Accountability

Repentance is making a decision to stop moving in one direction, deliberately turning your back on it, and walking in the opposite way. We all did this when we chose to accept Jesus as the Lord of our lives. Our goal is to keep moving forward in the new life we have in Christ. As much as our spirits have been born-again and are forever righteous, it takes one incorrect thought to lead our minds back into a place of bondage and brokenness.

That’s why we must be diligent to keep our minds full of the truth of God’s Word, and our hearts engaged in His purpose. The friendships we forge play a vital role in keeping us moving forward in wholeness and victory in Christ Jesus. Remaining accountable to others in our walk with the Lord keeps our lives focused on the power and purpose we have in His kingdom.

There is unstoppable power released through the prayer of a believer who is confident in his right-standing with God. So recognize who God has placed in your life to keep you walking in the mindset of victory and increase you have been saved into!