Topple the Devil’s Kingdom

As children of God, we have been empowered by the Holy Spirit to be true ambassadors of Christ! The more truth we learn and believe from the Word of God, the more formidable we become to the enemy’s kingdom and the status quo of this world’s systems. The work of the Holy Spirit in our lives produces a light that no darkness can overshadow or consume. As you declare the truth of God over circumstances with faith and confidence, know that the authority you have been given will see unseen forces shift and change will come. The kingdom of darkness suffers great defeat when we know, believe, and declare the truth and command light over darkness. Romans 8:19 declares, “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.” Since we carry Christ in us, we carry the answers to the problems that plague the world. Christ died for a people who would seek Him and His ways first and then walk in His authority and power to establish His kingdom on this earth. So we lead all people to the Lord by loving, healing and restoring their lives with the power of God, while coming against the evil principalities that have already been defeated by Jesus, our commander and chief. It’s time to turn the world upside down as we restore the correct order and topple the devil’s hold over people’s lives.