True Spiritual Worship

As a born-again child of God, your spirit has been made totally new. It’s no longer dead to sin, but alive with the Spirit of God. There is no need to come to the Father with robes and incense, or statues of holy saints and repetitive prayers. There’s no need for religious rituals or begging pleas for Him to hear you. No, you are in a covenant with God and He desires a sincere relationship with us. One where we bear our hearts to Him in total transparency… Where we stand in His Presence seeing Him as He truly is, and realizing we have nothing to offer Him but our worship. As we pour ourselves out to Him in absolute love, devotion, and reverence, we feel Him pour Himself into us. From this glorious place, we view life and others from His perspective and from His heart. Being filled to overflowing with Him, we spread the fragrance that comes from knowing Jesus, making people see who He really is, everywhere we go – now that’s pure worship.