Victorious Over Fear

The Word of God commands us to be anxious for nothing. That means to have absolutely no anxiety about anything. The Word teaches us there is not one concern too insignificant, nor one too large, that cannot be taken care of by our all-knowing, all-caring Supernatural God!

When we bring our needs to the Lord, we are told to come confidently and purposefully, with thankful hearts – knowing He hears us and whatever His Word has promised us is ours. We can place our complete trust in Him! This is what drives out fear and replaces it with God’s peace. This peace protects our hearts and minds from the destructive force of fear.

After you have given your care over to the Lord, expel every fearful thought by replacing it with a promise from God’s Word. Let your confidence come from trusting in the One who made that promise and fully intends to keep it.