What Do You See?

There is a difference between sight and vision. Sight is a physical sense where we see the environment around us through our physical eyes. Vision is seeing beyond the natural, into the realm of the spirit. This is where we see the bigger picture or the larger reality of something without being limited by our natural senses.

A professor once showed his class an apple seed and posed this question to them: “What do you see?” Naturally, everyone responded, saying, “an apple seed”. To which he responded, “I see an apple orchard”. We can count the number of seeds in an apple, but there’s no way of counting the number of apples that seed will eventually produce.

This is the difference between sight and vision. Vision is seeing the end result from the beginning, seeing the ultimate purpose of God beyond what our natural eyes or minds can perceive. Ultimately, vision requires faith – sight does not! Today, use your eyes of faith and ask the Lord to reveal what He knows and sees, since He has already been there!