What You Already Possess


In a world economy that functions with the currency of money, what would, “keep your life free from love of money” even mean? The latter part of this verse gives us a key – just as Jesus did when He taught about how to not let the cares of this world overwhelm us in Matthew 6:25-34. He brings to our attention the truth that WE HAVE a loving Heavenly Father who knows what we need and is more than willing and able to not only meet those needs, but bless us even beyond meeting them. He delights in the prosperity of His children and is never glorified through our lack.  After all, Jesus dealt with the curse of poverty through the finished work of the cross.  So He has no problem with His children possessing money, what concerns Him is money possessing us. He wants us to have our chief focus on WHAT we already possess – we have GOD! We have His Word, which teaches us His way of being and doing right, and it NEVER fails! Our security is not to be found in possessions which can come and go, it has to primarily hinge on the One who teaches us to be cheerful givers in order to receive.  Before the day’s work even begins, give thanks to the Lord for being your source and that His power to meet your needs and see you prosper is completely at your disposal as you obey the principles in His Word.