When You Don’t Know What To Do

King Jehoshaphat and the children of Israel were suddenly threatened and surrounded by the enemy. They were completely overwhelmed and faced a dire situation where their enemy far surpassed them in weaponry and numbers. It was obvious to all: they were far from equal to the match.

There was no practical way they would survive the attack, let alone contend to fight. In the natural, there was nothing they could do to get out of the mess, except call on the Name of the Lord. As a result, the Lord told them to arrive at the battlefield and praise Him, without physically going into battle. As they sang His praises, He fought for them. He supernaturally delivered them by causing the enemies to turn on each other.

When you are faced with seemingly impossible circumstances, and don’t know what to do, or where to turn – remember the same God that rescued His people then, is the God that rescues His children now! Look to the LORD for divine instruction, direction, inspiration and revelation – because He knows what to do. As you follow His lead, you will see how He turns everything around for your deliverance and His glory!