You and Your Descendants May Live!

God greatly desires that we choose life so we and our descendants may live the life worthy of the price Jesus paid! It’s His will and good pleasure to see the blessing of Abraham evident in our lives. Like Abraham, it takes faith in God’s character and His Word to step into it.

Abraham was fully persuaded concerning the promise and purpose of God; he understood that God’s desire was to see him blessed. When we become secure in knowing how much God loves us, we will respond to His leading immediately – just like Abraham did. The Bible says he did not stagger or waver when it came to believing and obeying God. Our confidence to pray and stand on the promises of God must come from a place of being in His Presence and embracing His love for us first.

This is what will make us fully persuaded of His faithfulness and willingness to perform all He has promised. This is the confidence and peaceful joy that our children will see and walk in too, as they follow suit. And this is the way the world will be drawn to the goodness of God as they see His kindness and exuberant blessing on His children who obey Him out of their deep love for knowing Him.