Your New Identity

As a Christian, your old life is dead and your new life in Christ is your present identity. Before we meet the Person of Jesus, we try so hard to become someone who is accepted. But the moment we are saved, we find out we’re completely accepted and cherished by the only One who counts. This is our identity. We are people open and surrendered to the saturating, purifying, and all-consuming love of a wonderful Saviour. We exist because of His love in and for us, we are sustained by that love, satisfied by His goodness, and overwhelmed by His kindness towards us.

We don’t have to feel the pressure to strive to prove ourselves anymore because we know who our God is in us, and who we are when we are caught up in Him. It’s from this place of confident rest in His love that we are most dangerous to the enemy. This is where we stand strong in the authority Jesus has given us. It’s where we connect with His heart in prayer and release His glory on the earth.

Our purpose is wrapped up in our identity – being a body filled and flooded with the love of God.