Weakness Made Strong

The Bible is filled with testimonies of men and women who are considered to be faith heroes. They accomplished the greatest feats this world has ever seen, by the hand of God. What’s really amazing is not just what they accomplished, but the fact they were all ordinary people with flaws, weaknesses, and inadequacies.

Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Paul – all these Bible heroes had something remarkable in common. They learned to rely on the strength and power of God to become most effective for His kingdom – in spite of their weaknesses. When we choose to surrender all we are to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and yield to the work His Holy Spirit does within us – His ability shines strong and true and overshadows our inabilities.

The moment you feel inadequate to serve the Lord, be sure to follow the example of those who have gone before you and always weigh your thoughts according to what God says about you in his Word. That way His strength and power will shine brightest in your weakness.