Leave the Past Behind

Are you tired of constantly being reminded of past failures and disappointments? The Bible calls the devil the accuser of the brethren. He makes it his purpose to do all he can to prevent God’s children from moving forward in faith, and doing mighty exploits for the kingdom.

His strategy is clear: as soon as we receive the word of God, as a seed, into our hearts, he bombards our minds with accusing thoughts, reminding us of past disappointments. If we pay those thoughts attention, instead of bringing them into submission to what the Word of God says about us – they will hold us captive, steal our confidence, and neutralise our faith.

That’s why it’s so important to keep our minds full of God’s thoughts and His truth concerning us. He has redeemed and ransomed us. He knows us and calls us by name. He has declared we are His! Let this truth replace the accusing thoughts of your past, including the lie that your failures are held against you. You can confidently leave the past behind and move forward in victory, today!