Filled With Joy!

Joy is a divine quality that comes from the character of God.  It’s not the same as happiness, which is an emotion dependent on circumstance and disappears as quickly as it arrives. The joy of the Lord produces a sustainable, inner-strength that keeps us at peace and full of expectant hope, especially when times are tough.

One of the greatest attributes of joy is it attracts the attention of unbelievers. People in the world are faced with the same calamities and devastations we are faced with. So when they see a child of God going through trouble, with unmistakable peace and unexplainable joy, they long for what he has.

The quickest way to get that supernatural joy flowing up from your spirit is to pray in the Holy Ghost. As you do, understand you are declaring God’s perfect will over your life, and into the situation, you are praying about. Listen intently to what the Holy Spirit whispers into your heart, and you will see how His peace fills your mind, and His joy is released from your thankful heart. Let God’s joy fill you up and be your supernatural strength today!