Pursue the Presence for Victory Over Sin

Where the presence of God is, no evil thing can stand. Don’t you just love the practical examples in the Bible that help us appreciate the victory we have over evil? Colossians 2:15 says Jesus made an open show of the devil, disarming and triumphing over him. Jesus Christ reigns in victory over Satan. If this is true, then we – who carry the presence of God – cannot, by any means, suffer defeat in any area of our lives.

To enforce our victory the presence of God must dominate our lives. We do this by fully submitting ourselves to the Holy Spirit, and keeping our minds full of the truth of His Word. Where the presence of God is, there is great power over sin and every work of the enemy.

So, pursue His presence all the time. Spend time knowing and loving and delighting in the Lord, then every ploy of the enemy becomes a platform for the Lord to show His goodness and glory through you. You can fiercely advance in triumph, without being affected by evil.