A Supernatural Encounter

One moment shepherds were watching over their sheep, when suddenly they encountered a glorious display of the supernatural, changing their lives forever! God could have chosen to announce and reveal the birth of the Messiah to anyone, but He chose some nearby shepherds.

They weren’t royalty or members of high society. They were ordinary, down-to-earth people. No doubt, these shepherds wondered why they, of all people, were chosen to witness this splendid exhibition of heavenly hosts. But isn’t this the message of the Gospel: The last shall be first, the least shall be the greatest, and the humble shall be exalted? The Gospel is for anyone who recognizes their need for a Saviour.

If you ever question whether you are worthy to have God’s glory displayed in you – understand He chose to inhabit ordinary vessels so His glory could be magnificently displayed. This Christmas, encounter the Glory that is Jesus. Let His life flow in and through yours, making the ordinary extraordinary, and exchanging the natural for the supernatural.