Dwell in the Secret Place

When we have learnt to meet with the Lord in the secret place, it doesn’t take long to realise that we can actually dwell there too. In fact, this is something we are told to do. In the Old Testament, the Presence of God was confined in the Ark of the Covenant, a box that held His Presence.

Whenever His people wanted to meet with Him or hear from Him, they had to go near to where the ark was; and they couldn’t approach it alone, they needed a priest to enter into a place called “The Holy of Holies”, where the Ark of the Covenant was located, in order to seek the Lord on their behalf. But praise God for Jesus! After He left this earth, He sent His Holy Spirit to live in every person who believed in Jesus and accepted Him as Lord and Saviour. Now, the secret place, where the Presence of God could be found, is inside us! At any moment of the day or night, we can turn our thoughts towards Him, and He will answer us. No matter where we go in this world, His Presence goes with us.

The more we acknowledge His Presence within, the more we establish the atmosphere of heaven in and around us. We begin to enjoy a never-ending conversation and intimate relationship with the Lord, by dwelling in the secret place that’s inside us!