All Are Called

Did you know that every born-again believer is in full-time ministry?  The moment we were redeemed and transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light – everything about us changed!  Now we live for the kingdom of God.  So everything we say or do represents His kingdom purposes. It makes no difference that only a few of us have pulpits in church buildings or stadiums. We all have pulpits to tell the world around us about our good and faithful God.

We demonstrate His nature in the way we conduct ourselves whether we are at home taking care of our households, raising our children; or in the office, pursuing a career.  We show the world how God’s children are marked by the way we show His love, act in kindness, deal with integrity, and walk-in His favour.  Our lives make them want to know our God because of the peace and joy we carry while we are working alongside them, facing the same things they face.

Embrace your call to represent Jesus to others today, with a faithful and grateful heart – knowing you are in His service, bringing Him glory in all you do.