An Overflowing Harvest

The Bible speaks a great deal about sowing and reaping. We read in Genesis that as long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest will never cease. While we occupy earth, sowing remains extremely relevant to our bountiful provision.

There may be times where our giving is so sacrificial it hurts our flesh, but God promises that those who sow by faith “…will return with joyful laughter and shouting with gladness as they bring back armloads of blessing and a harvest overflowing!” As you continue to walk in covenant, may the Lord open up the windows of heaven over you and your family, and pour out a blessing so large that you will not have room enough to contain it all.

God’s promise of prosperity is not having just enough to meet your needs, but being able to meet the needs of others as a result of the overflow of blessing upon your life. An overflowing harvest of blessing is the direct result of your faith-filled giving!