Your Stronghold


God’s assignment on a life is time sensitive. When we step into God’s destiny for our lives, the whole of hell hears, and will do it’s best to oppose us. That’s why it’s so important for every believer to understand the authority we have in Christ Jesus, and how to operate in it. God’s Word is the stronghold of our lives. It holds the truth of who we are in Him, and gives us the practical wisdom and faith to overcome every tactic of the enemy. No matter what fiery dart the enemy directs at us, when we know what God’s Word has to say on a matter, we are able to hold up the shield of faith, and stop that dart in it’s tracks. For instance, when the enemy manipulates a circumstance and brings negative news to your attention to discourage you and fill your mind with doubt and fear – the Holy Spirit will remind you of the truth of God’s Word on the matter.  That Word will come alive with power inside you, and give you an injection of faith-filled courage. You immediately reject every fear-filled thought, and replace it with God’s opinion instead. Then, as you declare that Word from the conviction of your heart – everything has to yield to that Word – and victory is secured!  Let God’s Word become your stronghold today as you overcome the enemy and move forward in your destiny!