Rest in Him

In Acts 17, Paul was preaching in Thessalonica.  He and his team were laying the foundation work for the first church in that area. The Christians that lived there were faced with such persecution from all sides.  Not just the pagan priests, but very hostile Jews were furious at them for seeing their followers converting to Christianity. The spiritual, religious, and political environment was so intense, and the persecution of the believers was rife.  They desperately needed relief from their stress to quieten their hearts and minds, and see things from God’s perspective again.  That’s why Paul told them in 2 Thessalonians 1:7, to come aside for a little while and rest, so they can receive a fresh revelation of the Lord being with them and protecting them. This would give them new strength to go on.  When we begin to feel overwhelmed by the pressure around us, we need to take Paul’s advice.  Take time to separate yourself from the stress and trouble you’re facing by coming into the presence of God.  Let His Word refresh your soul, and give you a clear perspective of His will, protection and provision for you.  Allow His Spirit to strengthen your inner man as He reminds you of His truth.  Then you’ll be reinforced and ready to go on in His strength and His peace.  His joy in your heart will cause you to face each challenge triumphantly in His grace, because you have chosen to make the time to rest in Him.