The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift that has ever been given to mankind cannot be found wrapped under a tree somewhere, it was found nailed to a tree over 2000 years ago. The greatest gift that ever was given, that ever is, and that will ever be given – is the gift of Jesus Christ. The above scripture is probably one of the most known scriptures in the Bible. It’s known by believers and unbelievers alike. That God loved the world so much that He gave His Only Son for us! The gift of Jesus is the evidence of Father God’s love for us. He sent His only Son to die fully aware that many would reject Him. Even knowing that, He still sent Jesus for those who would receive Him and become His own. This powerful truth is what sets us apart in this hour. We chose to respond to God’s love, and receive the greatest gift ever. Because of Jesus, our spirits are alive with the hope of glory inside of us. Today, choose to be so grateful for Jesus. He is the greatest gift we could ever receive. We have the ability to share this glorious gift with others. There are people we  pass every day that need to hear this glorious Good News of Jesus. We keep Christ at the centre of Christmas by telling others about the greatest gift ever given.