Honour Brings Provision

Mark 12:41-44 tells of how Jesus was sitting by the collection box in the Temple, watching the people place their offerings in the box. Many rich people were putting in large amounts, giving out of their abundance, but one widow gave differently. It was so significant that it caught the attention of Jesus.  The Bible says she was poverty-stricken, yet she emptied out all she had before the Lord – 2 small coins. Jesus called His disciples over and showed them what she had just done. He mentioned that although many rich people were giving a part of what they had, and it held little consequence to them.  However, this widow had brought all she had to live on to the house of the Lord because she had honour for Him! Psalm 35:27 says God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His children. He has put biblical principles in place for us to honour and follow to see this provision and prosperity come into our lives. When we recognise that God is our source of provision, we stop bringing Him our financial “leftovers”, and choose to bring Him our best. As we honour Him in this area, He will place His mighty hand upon our gift, and we will see the outpouring of His goodness, faithfulness and provision. Today, know that the world is not your source, it can never bless you like God can. Rely on Him, honour His principles and you will experience His abundant provision.