Move on in Victory!

The David who stood before the ferocious Philistine army and brought down their hero-giant for all to see, attributed his unshakable confidence to the God he was in covenant with. Before  David found himself facing Goliath, he had already seen and experienced the supernatural hand of God move on his behalf. While he tended his father’s sheep, in deserted, lonely places, he was empowered to protect the flock from wild animals, including a lion and a bear, with his bare hands (1 Samuel 17:34-36). David didn’t need to compare the size of Goliath against the size of the bear or the lion, he simply knew he was in covenant with a God who had proved Himself to be faithful. He had all the assurance he needed as he stood before the blaspheming rouge. The moment after David cut the giants head off, he moved on in the victory God had given him. He  continued to live his life devoted to the Lord, always remembering the victories He had allowed him to experience.  God took this young Shepherd boy and promoted him into one of the greatest kings the nation of Israel would ever know.  It’s from his own lineage that the Son of God would come to this earth. God placed eternity in the heart of a young boy who had chosen to delight himself in his Creator and follow after His heart.  As we choose to delight ourselves in the Lord and follow after His heart, we will see Him move supernaturally on our behalf, taking us from victory to victory, because like David, eternity has been placed in our hearts too.