My Identity is in Christ

Acts 17:28a (KJV): “In Him, we live and move and have our being.”

One of the great things about knowing who you are is being sure of who aren’t. This world will do its utmost to try to define you, to place you in a box and slap a label on you. However, when you know who you are in Christ, the world is powerless to dictate your identity. The Word of God says you are a brand new creation in Christ. When you accepted His Lordship, your old life died and you were given a new nature full of powerful qualities that enable you to live a meaningful life, with eternal significance. As you live, move and have your being in Christ, every other purpose becomes secondary. Nothing compares to the journey of knowing the secrets of His heart for others, and being used as an instrument to touch, heal, restore, deliver, and empower them to live free and full! Your highest calling is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, so you can receive and release His unconditional and unconquerable love to this world. Make sure you are rooted in Christ, knowing who you are in Him, because as He is, so are we in this world.