Self Determination – The Purpose Thief

In this portion of scripture, we see the parting of two great servants of God.  God had called Paul and Barnabas to do the work of the ministry together (Acts 13:2).  As they were about to embark on an assignment, they strongly disagreed about whether or not to include Mark, (Barnabas’ s cousin) with them.  Paul had good reason to have Mark stay behind as he had proven he didn’t have the strength of character needed to endure the intense persecution their ministry trip would prove to need.  In a previous trip, Mark had abandoned the group when they were faced with trouble, and Paul didn’t want to see this repeated. He wanted to protect Mark and see his character develop more, so that in the future he could be a useful, effective minister of the Gospel. Barnabas, on the other hand, was determined to have his way and see Mark travel with them, and instead of listening to Paul’s wisdom, he changed course and partnership and sailed to Cyprus with Mark as his companion.  Whether Paul or Barnabas were in the wrong is debated amongst scholars, but the fact that we never hear about Barnabas again in the pages of scripture, is a pretty good indication that he had allowed his self-determination to rob him of God’s best for his life. We must be very careful to not confuse being demanding in our faith when we don’t have God’s Word on something.  For example, when we are believing for something, the Bible has clearly said is ours, such as healing, we can stand firm in our faith and not waver until we see the breakthrough.  It was God’s will for Paul and Barnabas to work together, it was a bond made in the spirit. By Barnabas choosing to push and demand his personal preference above his relationship with Paul and their purpose to minister together, he cut short God’s best plan for his life.  In the very next chapter Paul had a dream warning him of the great persecution they were about to endure on their assignment.  Mark would not have been able to endure the persecution if he had travelled with them, all their lives could have been placed in jeopardy.  Keep your determination exclusively for where you know God’s will is clear, so it doesn’t steal away your purpose, and God’s best for your life.