No More Bondage!

Christians who think they are in bondage to the devil have been fed a lie. The Word clearly states that the finished work of the cross has completely freed us, from all the power of the enemy over us. The tables have been turned on the devil – he no longer holds a position of authority over us. Instead, we have been given authority over Him! (Luke 10:17).  As from the point of our salvation in Jesus, the devil is now under our feet. The real bondage for any believer who is living a defeated life, is the bondage to wrong thinking.  In other words, they have not yet renewed their minds to God’s way of thinking.  No matter how we feel, our freedom and overcoming victory in this life, is based on the Word of God we meditate on, believe in, and choose to align our lives with. Once that is settled, our emotions will certainly follow suit! An emotionally driven Christian has not yet learnt the discipline of being led by his spirit-man, instead of his flesh.  God’s Presence within us, is constantly at work in us. It is able to preserve us against evil and carry out God’s perfect purpose in our lives!  What it takes, is our diligence to align our way of thinking to God’s way of thinking!  Decide to find out who God’s Word says you are in Christ Jesus, and the victory you have in Him. Once you’ve made the shift from your old way of thinking to His way of thinking, the truth will keep you free!  While you are living in Christ, being aware of His victory and power in you to overcome – you’ll understand the devil has no hold on you!