Take Off Those Grave Clothes

When we become born again, and surrender our lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we become a new creation. Our old, dead, hopeless lives are resurrected into a new life in Christ. We might not feel like it, but the very nature of Christ is the new nature that our spirits take on. It takes faith to believe we are who Christ has made us. There must be a complete abandonment of whatever ungodly notions we held onto before, and an acceptance of what and who He says we are. Essentially, we have no business holding on to the very things He has freed us from. Whatever labels you have accepted concerning yourself, if they don’t align with who God says you are, let them go today. Take off the grave clothes and put on the new nature that is yours in Christ Jesus, and do it by faith. Receive the newness of life in Him; walk as the overcomer He says you are; exercise the authority He has given you; speak the words He has spoken concerning you, and expect the future He has promised.