Tremble at His Word

Trembling at God’s Word doesn’t include feelings of condemnation or fear of punishment. Rather it refers to the type of awe and respect for truth that comes directly from the heart and Spirit of the All-Knowing, and All-Powerful God. Scripture teaches us that all things come from, exist, and end in Him. There is no-one and nothing that will ever compare to His matchless goodness and grace. His Word is absolute and He regards it above all else – even His Name. We are taught that He constantly watches over His Word to perform it, proving it to be as accurate and trustworthy as Himself. Knowing this causes us to hold His Word in the highest regard, to the point where we desire its wisdom to be engraved in our hearts and minds, and despise even the thought of it not doing its complete work in us. God’s Word is the basis for EVERY area of life, so we embrace and receive it humbly, knowing it has the power to save our souls. It’s needless to say: the attitude we hold toward the Word of God will determine the outcome it has in our lives. To regard its words lightly is to make light the authority and power it carries, and we will live in the consequence of that reality. See it for the powerful, faith-producing, life-transforming gift it is – and we will never regret its influence in our lives.