Watch Your Words!

The verses that precede this one add context to the way a believer should act in order to inherit, or walk in, the blessing of the Lord. As much as faith is required to walk in our inheritance as believers, it’s powerless when we deliberately turn our backs on righteous living and refuse to walk in love. Paul warns us that living in habitual sin and purposefully ignoring the teachings of the Word will result in our faith being shipwrecked, and our confidence to believe God for His promises destroyed. The devil has a strategy to steal, kill and destroy everything good in our lives. What he really wants to steal is the Word. That’s because without the Word – there’s no faith. Without faith, we stand powerless to overcome and reign in life. So don’t let him have the last word! Fill your mind and heart with God’s words! Trust the Holy Spirit to make them alive to you, empowering you to speak and live by their truth. This way you’ll be more than a conqueror and walk every day, in your promised inheritance.