Tell it Like it is

Great power is released when we give an account of something we personally experienced, by the hand of God. Without manufacturing any details, we simply tell it as it happened. Acts 1 verse 8, tells us we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us; and be His witnesses, telling people about Him everywhere. The beautiful thing about a witness is there’s no need to make up anything untrue or invent a series of events we haven’t been a part of. We simply recall and retell what happened. When we encounter the supernatural touch of God on our lives, witnessing to others stirs up and releases the reality of our experience in a way that is undeniable to all who hear us. There’s no suppressing the force of joy that rises up when we explain how we were bound but now are free. Or how we were once lost with no direction, but have found purpose in Him. Speak out your redemption, let others know the story of how God redeemed you, freed you – and set your heart ablaze with His great love and power! It will release the atmosphere of heaven and stir up the faith for others to receive His tangible touch on their lives too!