Persistent Prayer

Prayer is a vital part of our Christian walk. It’s the way we actively engage the Presence of God in every one of our lives. It’s also how we hear and know His heart and will for every decision, thought, and action we make. The Bible says Jesus often withdrew Himself from the masses to spend time with God in prayer. Too often, believers go through difficulties not knowing what to do, or how to overcome. That’s why Jesus taught us how to pray, and He gave us His precious Holy Spirit to help us pray God’s perfect will into every situation (Romans 8:26). In Luke 18:1, Jesus taught His disciples on persistent prayer, not for the discipline of it, but because He intends to answer our prayers! In verse 18, a widow remained persistent in her pleas until she received her desired result. Jesus said when we persist in prayer, we will be avenged speedily! When our prayers are filled with faith and based on the Word of God, we must learn to continually come to Him and not lose heart until we see them fulfilled.