Clothed With Christ

The moment we become born again, the Spirit of God makes our spirits completely new! They are in fact, perfect – without any sin. Then, the Bible says, He comes to live right there, in our spirits – what a mind-blowing miracle! Now it’s up to us to partner with the Holy Spirit and spend time in God’s Word to see this transformation influence every part of our lives. God’s Word brings a supernatural cleansing that washes our minds and emotions from the contamination of the world, the memories of past experiences, and the lies the enemy has tried to sow into our brains. When our minds are renewed by the Word of God, the Holy Spirit causes that Word to go to work in us as we learn about God’s true nature and ways. The more we learn and embrace this truth, the more it changes our thoughts and attitudes, until we begin thinking and speaking and acting like Jesus. Before long, we’ll notice how our old nature is completely gone and Christ’s nature progressively becomes our own.