Temptation Has No Power Over You

When we feel pressured to cave to temptation, remember that pressure doesn’t have the power to provoke us into any sort of behaviour. It simply exposes what has already taken root in our hearts. Jesus, in the wilderness, was tempted by Satan in three areas: the pride of life (needing security in our own resources or stability of earthly things); the lust of the flesh (the craving for sensual gratification); and the lust of the eyes (greedy longings of the mind). Read about this in 1 John 2:16.

When Jesus was tempted, he was physically weak; but because He had built His spirit up in communion with the Father, Satan had no power over Him. His security and satisfaction was deeply established in trusting His Father. When we give in to the pressure of needing security and satisfaction in anything other than our trust in our Heavenly Father and His ways, we give the devil a foothold to dominate our frame of mind.

Jesus responded to temptation with what was deeply rooted inside Him – the Word. Choose to exercise your spirit man through prayer and the study of God’s Word, and temptation will have no power over you.