6 Things You Never Have to Settle For!

When Isaiah prophesied what Jesus would endure for us on the cross – he literally saw what was to be accomplished in that one event in history, in full, for us! Six things Jesus accomplished for us on that cross are listed, unmistakably for us.  The work was perfect and complete – with no exceptions!  When you meditate on what they are – you will know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that you NEVER have to settle for them EVER in your life! Jesus bore every sickness, disease, weakness and distress. He carried every sorrow and pain. He was wounded for every transgression – which means rebellion against anything that is outside of the truth of His Word.  Any time we entertain and come into agreement with any thought or conversation that is contrary to God’s truth, concerning anything and everything – we are rebelling against Him.  Jesus was wounded so that we can have that rebellion and its consequences broken off of our lives and are free to come into agreement with His Word and live in the reality of His promises! He was bruised for our iniquities (sins).  The power of sin has been broken over us, we are no longer bound to the nature to sin! Hallelujah! He was punished so that we could have His peace!  2 Peter 1:2 describes this peace: “perfect well-being, all necessary good, all spiritual prosperity, and freedom from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts”.  As if he was transported through time, staring right at the body sacrificed for us – Isaiah declares the 6th thing Jesus accomplishes for us, “…and with the stripes that wounded Him we ARE healed and made whole.”   In 1 Peter 2:24, Peter sees the very same picture Isaiah does, but this time, looking back at what the cross had accomplished for us.  In other words, Peter records the work was done for us then and so we should be standing in the place of that accomplished work, not hoping or wishing for it to still be fulfilled one day in the future.  It was done, once and for all – now we must believe and walk in the reality of it! Read Peter’s words aloud for your own ears and the devil’s, “…By His wounds you HAVE BEEN healed.”!  Praise God for the finished work of the cross!