A Fearless Security

One of the greatest sources of fear common to man is founded on deep-seated insecurity. When the Word of the Lord came through the prophet Isaiah, a strong sense of confident trust was instilled in his listeners.  Knowing that the God who created heaven and earth had willingly, and lovingly taken full responsibility for His people, had given them an identity amongst the nations of the world, and had declared them as His very Own gave them a true sense of belonging and purpose.  It placed deep within them a security that cast out all fear.  We know from scripture, that this covenant promise extends to and stands sure and true for every born-again child of God. Only, now it’s even better for us than it was for the children of Israel (Hebrews 7:6). Their experience of being secure in God came from outward demonstrations only; and when their hearts began to fail them, they were dependant on the voice of the prophets to guide and encourage them.  Today, we are able to not just experience the presence of God living inside us to comfort, guide and strengthen us; but we are able to carry His presence into every place we go! It’s the reality of carrying His presence that sets us apart from everybody else. It instils a confident trust and purpose that casts out all fear and is a powerful tool to attract others to know and experience a relationship with the Living God for themselves. You can be fearless as you choose to embrace, host, and carry the presence of God, starting today.