Abide Under the Shadow

Peter got to experience this power Ephesians 3:20 speaks about. The Bible says the supernatural power emanating from him would overshadow the sick and heal them. The original Greek word for overshadow in this reference is used exclusively for the power of the Almighty. It’s the same word used when Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit to supernaturally conceive a child. It’s also the word used when Jesus was on the Mount of Transfiguration, and a cloud overshadowed Him, revealing Him as the glorious Son of God.

This overshadowing is not referring to a natural shadow, but the supernatural overshadowing of God’s power, coming upon individuals. This powerful revelation provides new context to Psalm 91:1, which showcases what is possible for those who abide under the shadow of the Almighty. By abiding in Jesus, we step into a place where we experience His power overshadowing us! This doesn’t only enable us to overcome all things in this life, it emanates from us affecting others with its supernatural life.

Today, choose to dwell in the “secret place” and “abide under the shadow of the Almighty”, and you will see His supernatural power emanate from you.