Advance At Any Cost

Paul and Barnabas were on a mission to declare the Gospel of Christ and in so doing many Jews and Gentiles believed the message and became disciples. The mockers and angry religious leaders were never far off. They constantly tried to silence the Christians with the intent to kill the faith. Even amid violent persecution, and after being driven out of the city, the followers of Jesus refused to succumb to a spirit of fear or take offence against those who hated them. They merely dusted off their feet and moved on.

In our passion to bring people into the Kingdom and see them set free to live in the fullness of life, Jesus died for them to have, it’s not surprising to encounter opposition. The rejection is aimed at Christ who overcame the devil and has empowered us to seek and save the lost and snatch them out of the hands of the evil one. Don’t take it personally – rejoice that you are being persecuted for Christ’s sake.

If the unbelief of others causes you to hold back on your passion for Christ, repent today! The world is crying out for a Saviour; they desperately need what you are carrying. Shake off the critical remarks and move on in compassion and determination to see God’s kingdom advance, at the devil’s expense!