Alive to Sow, Not Store

The principle of sowing and reaping has been given to us, God’s own covenant children. When we obey it, we are the ones to benefit greatly! Everything we do here on earth is a seed that goes out from us to produce harvests that will return to us. Good seed or bad, we can count on reaping from what we have sown. If we are gossiping, lying or speaking negatively, soon we will start reaping that same negative fruit right back into our lives. Now, if we’ve been sowing good seed, by investing time in fellowship with the Lord and studying His Word, and then being careful to obey Him, our lives will overflow with a great harvest of excellent, abundant fruit (Mark 4:24). In Matthew 6:19-20, Jesus was not speaking against having material things or earthly wealth, He was making it very clear that our love for these things cannot be greater than our love for God! Making a decision to love God first and obey His word above all else positions us for His supernatural provision. When we willingly give the Lord free reign in our lives and apply His principle of seedtime and harvest in everything we say and do, we soon learn that to keep His blessing flowing in our lives, we must live to sow and not store.