All In

God is more than able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or imagine! He is able to do this because of His power that is working within us (Ephesians 1:19). When we learn to die to our own ideals and agendas, and submit ourselves to God’s will and ways for our lives, He is able to carry out His purpose in and through us, and completely exceed our greatest expectations of what that will look like! Abraham is a great example of this promise.  God gave him a promise that He would bless and multiply him, on condition that Abraham would leave all that was familiar to him, trust Him completely, and obey Him fully. Abraham decided to abandon all,  and to trust and obey God.  He never withheld a thing from Him.  In fact, Abraham was all in! He believed in God’s faithfulness and trustworthy character to keep His word, even if the fulfilment of that promise was physically impossible in the natural.  Abraham’s obedience to follow God in all things is what gave credibility to his faith – even to being fully committed to give up his son.  He knew that Isaac was the first born son of the promise God made him, and he had no doubt that if he died that day, God would raise him from the dead to honour that promise.  That’s because Abraham was fully persuaded that it was impossible for God  to lie.  God’s promise to carry out His purpose in us and to do superabundantly more than we could dare to dream or imagine is dependant on our commitment to abandon our own agendas and pre-conceived ideas, to trust Him completely, and obey Him fully.  If you are wanting a life where His supernatural power works without limitation or restraint – you have to decided, like Abraham did, to be all in!