All Things Work to the Good!

The Bible says that when God is a partner in what we do, all things will work together for our good. Not some things. All things. Often times, the devil attempts to trick believers into thinking that their past will negatively affect the plan and purposes of God for them. However, God is able to turn around every mistake you’ve made and incorporate it into His divine plan and purpose, for your good. Take the life of David for example. There was a time when he neglected his relationship and faithfulness to God and fell into sin that had grave consequences for him and his bloodline. He committed adultery with a woman named Bathsheba, and in an attempt to cover up his sin, he murdered her husband. On repenting and turning wholeheartedly back to God, despite his serious errors, God raised up a king from the woman David committed adultery with – King Solomon! When David turned back to God, even though he suffered loss as a consequence of his sin, God restored him and caused all things to work together for David’s good. We may have made regrettable mistakes in our past, and wonder if they will handicap our future purpose in God.  Understand, when we repent and chose to partner with God in all things, He restores us and causes them to work together for our good, just as He did with David. While we remain submitted and committed to Him, we will walk out His perfect will for our lives.